Navigating Summer as a photographer and Mom

Family photography Panama City Beach, Summer photography, mom photographers time management, vacation

photo by Sydney Hampton Photography

Hey there, mom photographers! As summer rolls in and the kids are out of school, we find ourselves facing a unique set of challenges. Balancing our photography sessions with keeping our kids engaged and happy during the summer break can be quite the juggling act. But fear not, with a bit of planning and creativity, we can make this summer both successful and memorable for our families and our photography business.

Embrace the Chaos: Let's face it, summer brings added chaos to our schedules. With increased photography sessions due to the vibrant summer season, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But remember, it's okay to embrace the chaos. Take a deep breath, prioritize your tasks, and tackle them one at a time. Your ability to adapt and stay organized will be your greatest asset during this busy season.

Quality Over Quantity: As mom photographers, we often strive for perfection in both our work and family life. But during the summer months, it's important to remember that quality trumps quantity. Instead of overloading yourself with sessions, focus on delivering your best work to each client. This way, you can maintain a healthy work-life balance and still have time for your family.

Time Management Tips: Effective time management is key to surviving summer as a mom photographer. Create a schedule that includes dedicated work hours, family time, and self-care. Set realistic goals for each day and avoid overcommitting yourself. Consider outsourcing tasks that can free up your time, such as editing or administrative work. By managing your time efficiently, you can enjoy a productive summer while still being present for your kids.

Making Memories: While it's important to stay on top of your photography business, don't forget to make time for your family. Plan fun activities that your kids will love and involve them in your work when possible. Let them assist during photo shoots or encourage their creativity by giving them a camera of their own. By including your kids in your passion for photography, you not only create lasting memories but also show them that they are seen and heard.

In Conclusion: Navigating summer as a mom photographer comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can make it a rewarding experience for both your family and your business. Remember to embrace the chaos, prioritize quality over quantity, manage your time effectively, and make time for making memories with your loved ones. By striking a balance between work and family, you can have a successful summer where both your kids and clients feel valued.

Here's to a summer filled with love, laughter, and beautiful photographs!


Three Reasons Summer is busy season in most locations.


Aspen Dawn Photo: Keys to social media connections, Candid emotional images, and how to excel with your clients.